Refund & Cancellation Policy
Sweet Ali LLC will not be responsible for information that is missing or incorrect on the web order confirmation or emailed invoice. Please review your order confirmation or invoice to be sure all the information is accurate (Shipping address, zip code, arrival date).
Sweet Ali LLC reserves the right to charge a customer's card for the full amount of the order in the event that the order is cancelled more than 24 hours after the order is placed. If the order is cancelled within 24 hours, the customer may be responsible for all costs which may have been incurred prior to cancellation, including set-up charges. This is based on a case-by-case basis.
If you are unhappy with your order, please contact us immediately. We might request a photograph be taken of the order so we can see the condition of the order as received. We will make every effort to replace your order, within reason. If we do replace your order at no charge, we may request you pay the shipping charges to return the incorrect or product you are unhappy with back to us. Refunds will be granted solely at our discretion. We do not refund shipping charges for mistakes, we will be happy to replace the product ASAP. Please call us with any questions.